Frequently Asked Questions for ASB App Users

What do I do before I start using Online EFTPOS?

If you use your bank app regularly, you shouldn’t need to do anything specific to start paying with Online EFTPOS. If you have recently installed your bank app, or haven’t used it regularly, please check a few things before you start:

  1. Check you have the latest version of the ASB Mobile App.
  2. Turn on "Receive payment requests" in your Settings (this is under Online EFTPOS).
  3. Ensure you are Netcode verified within the ASB Mobile banking app.

For more information, click here.

What's the most I can spend using Online EFTPOS?

You can pay using Online EFTPOS as many times as you want within your daily limit. The daily limit may vary per bank and per person. If you are unsure, please contact your bank for assistance.

Why didn't I receive an Online EFTPOS payment request in my banking app?

There might be a few reasons why you didn’t receive a payment request in your banking app.

  1. Please allow up to 40 seconds for a notification to arrive into your bank app. You can refresh the app or log out and log in to make sure that the app has refreshed.
  2. Please double-check that you have used the mobile phone number that is registered against your bank app.
  3. If the number is correct but no payment request is received after 40 seconds, please check you have enabled the relevant settings on your bank app. If you're unsure of which settings will allow Online EFTPOS payments, we would recommend reaching out to your bank for assistance.

You have four minutes from the time of sending a payment request to log into your bank app to approve the transaction.

You have four minutes from the time of sending a payment request to log into your bank app to approve the transaction.

I don't have the relevant bank app to use Online EFTPOS on my phone. Where can I get it?

Look for ASB bank app on your device's app store.

What is Trusted by Online EFTPOS?

Trusted by Online EFTPOS is a feature to give you a faster and more convenient way to pay with Online EFTPOS. It enables you to authorize transactions below a certain limit ($200 at present) without needing to log into your ASB banking app for payment approval.

How do I add a Trusted retailer?

The next time you pay with Online EFTPOS, look for the Enable Trusted tick box to add the retailer to your list of Trusted retailers. Currently only ASB and BNZ customers can use Trusted by Online EFTPOS.

How can I remove a Trusted retailer?

To remove a Trusted retailer, you can manage this directly within your ASB banking app.

Go into your settings, select Online EFTPOS (under Devices) and select the retailer you wish to remove. Once selected you then have the option to delete the autopay merchant.

Can I see what retailers I’ve Trusted?

To see a Trusted retailer, you can view this in your ASB banking app.

For ASB, go into your settings, select Online EFTPOS (under Devices) and in here you will see a list of all the retailers you have Trusted.

How can I do a normal Online EFTPOS transaction if I’ve previously set up a trust with that retailer?

If you don’t want to use Trusted when paying with Online EFTPOS, you can select Pay with another account and this will take you through the normal way of paying with Online EFTPOS.

Are there any limits or restrictions when using Trusted by Online EFTPOS?

With a velocity limit in place, ASB customers can make up to 4 Trusted transactions in a 4hour period up to a value of $200. If more transactions occur within the 4hour limit, then you will go through a normal Online EFTPOS transaction and require approval within your banking app.